
Yoga Therapy

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Yoga Therapy

Yoga as most of us know is originated in India by our great Rishis (Saints and Hermits). Rishi Patanjali is believed to be the father of hatha yoga. And while the myth is that yoga is just about few 'Asanas' here and there but that's not true as 'Asanas' are just a part of Yoga. Actually, all that we do in our day to day life is a form of Yoga only as 'Yoga' in its literal sense means adding something....Yoga can be adopted in any form in life. And while it is a common belif that Yoga therapies are generally used to cure diseases and depression however in fact Yoga helps us grow and emerge as a better human being, as well. We at Sanidhaya teach almost all forms of Yoga, be it positive breathing, body postures, asanas, positive thinking and even the importance of karma yoga to control and manage all aspect of our lives.

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